International Journal of Innovation and Visionary in Architecture and Art- Call for Papers
call for papers

Clear images and colors  | Post date: 2018/05/8 | 
Call For Papers

Research papers dealing with fundamental research and applications of the first Issue of the International Journal of Innovation and Visionary in Architecture and Art:

•           History and Theories of Architecture and Art
•           Traditional Construction Materials
•           Architectural Design and Theories
•           Islamic and Contemporary Art Theories
•           Advanced Construction Materials
•           Architecture and Building Materials
•           Art Design and Landscape Architecture
•           Building Technology Science
•           Architectural Environment and Equipment Engineering
•           Green Building Materials
•           Ecological Architecture
•           Computers in Architecture
•           Sustainable Architecture
•           Building Structure
•           Engineering Management
•           Environment-Friendly Construction and Development
•           Material Quality and Control
•           Construction Technology
•           Computer Simulation and CAD/CAE
•           Structural Analysis and Design
•           Urban Planning and Design
•           Sustainable Development of Building Energy and Environment
•           Energy Conservation
•           Environmental Engineering and Environmental Protection
•           Construction and Renewable Energy Sources
•           Sustainable Buildings

Note-  Online paper submission deadline is 10th of December 2018, and As for the first Issue of IJIVA, the scopes of the journal are not only limited to the items mentioned above but also, With the discretion of the editorial board, articles beyond these scopes can be reviewed.

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